Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our newest friend

So...on our last trip to Dallas I forgot to pack Cole's DVD's.  We had the DVD player, but nothing to play on it.  We made it to Dallas, but Cole was a little bored so we decided to stop at the Wal-mart before we got on the road home.  The Wal-mart in Frisco was fresh out of Baby Einstein so I resorted to the $5.00 bin and found a couple of selections with music and singing that I figured Cole would enjoy.  This is where I went wrong.  Cole is now hooked to a new character because of this purchase....ELMO.  What was I thinking?  He always wants to watch the DVD and he now has a small stuffed Elmo as well as a new school bus with Elmo and his friends. 

The other DVD was also a hit.  It was a Curious Buddies, Nick Jr. DVD.  He calls it "baby" because there is a baby on the cover.  He also sometimes calls it "do" because they sing the scale and he likes to sign along.  Here is Cole, in our bed, watching his favorite DVD..though we now own four other Elmo DVD's that we have added to the collection. 

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