Thursday, July 8, 2010

Father's Day Photo Shoot

Here are a few pics from our last photo shoot.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Celebrating the 4th on the 5th

Stephen and I went to eat on Saturday for our anniversary. My parents were going to keep Cole over night and bring him to church for us Sunday morning. We had plans to attend the church service and then go over to a friends house for a big party. We headed to a Thai restaurant that one of Stephen's friends suggested and had a lovely evening. When I woke up the next morning neither of us felt very well. We were sure if it was the spice or the seafood that didn't agree with us, but we were sick all day. My parents and my mother-in-law kept Cole all day Sunday and brought him home in time for a bath and bed. We had only eaten crackers all day and were so weak that giving Cole a bath and putting him to bed wore us out. We ended up watching fire works on TV. At least the Houston Freedom Festival had Pat Green as the headliner. I think it is the first time we have ever just laid around on the 4th. We felt much better on Monday so we took Cole for pancakes at a local Mexican restaurant and then went swimming at my in-laws after Cole's nap. Stephen grilled for dinner and we had a great time celebrating the 4th even though it was the 5th. Here are a few pics from all the fun.

A Day At The Beach

Stephen decided to take Friday off so we could have some family time. We headed to Galveston after Cole's morning nap. The weather was a little dreary so we skipped the seawall and headed to lunch. We ate at Fish Tales and then went down to the Strand. Cole was up during lunch, but slept most of the time on the Strand. We had a little sherbert at an old time shoppe and then drove home. Here are a couple pictures from our day of fun.