The weekend following the wedding we all headed up to Dallas for Haley's Baby Shower, Marisa and Allan's Going Away Party, and Katie's Sprinkle. With Cole in tow we managed to make pretty good time. Hotel Myer's was kind enough to save us reservations for supreme accommodations. Cole was excited to see his girlfriend Madison. He had such a good time playing with all of her toys (especially the ball pit and jumperoo). It was so nice of Madison to share her things...bath tub, towel, toys, bottle rack, bowls, spoons, etc. It was so nice not to have to pack the entire house for a weekend trip. THANKS KRISTIN!! Here are a few pictures of our jam packed, fun-filled weekend.
Cole LOVES Buccee Nuggets

Cole doesn't know what to think about Madison's ball pit

Molly had to get in on the fun

Cole and Auntie Marisa at Haley's Shower

Cole and Mommy

Cole and Auntie Kim...boys are so much fun...they love their mommies

Auntie Marisa and Uncle Allan's Going Away Party

Auntie Haley and Cole

Cole and Daddy happy girl
We had so much fun!! I can't wait to see you all again so very soon! Once again, your reservations have been confirmed and all items needed are here! I can't wait! Please tell that sweet little Cole that his girl friend is working on blowing kisses!
It was SO great to see you and Stephen two weekends in a row and to finally get to meet Cole! He is just precious! Hopefully he will meet his TN girlfriends one of these days! Hope you are loving life at home this summer. xoxoxo
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