Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pool Party on Madison's B-day 6-16-2010

Cole got a new baby pool from Nonnie and Grandfather on Madison's birthday. We got the pool at Wal-mart that morning and it was Cole's first time to ride in the shopping cart like a big boy. Mom and I put him in for a swim after his afternoon nap. Here are some pictures from the big day. He is working on his tan for the big luau party this weekend. Cole will NOT be wearing his Beta Lei Me Now shirt. :)

Cole sending Madison a b-day wish

Cole loves the cart. We borrowed a beach towel from Wal-mart so he would not slump over.

Cole loves the water.

Cole also loves watermelon.

1 comment:

Kristin Myers said...

We can't wait to see him...and Madison will not be wearing any beta lei cotton as well!