Cole's Newest Trick is waving Bye-Bye. He started about a week ago. He is still a little confused why we wave when we are coming and going and sometimes we wave just to get him to wave. The other morning Stephen brought him in our room just after he woke up and he waved "hello" to me. It was so cute. This is a video from last weekend. I have been waving to him for a while and he finally waved back. I got out the video camera expecting him not to wave again, but he did.
Stephen and I both grew up in Pasadena, TX and now reside in LaPorte. We met in the 3rd grade at Teague Elementary, were boyfriend/girlfriend in 5th grade and we finally began dating (for real) in the fall of 2000. We were engaged in April of 2002 and married on June 28, 2003. On November 12, 2009, God blessed us with a beautiful baby boy, Cole Thomas. We found out we were expecting our second son on New Year's Eve 2011. Cade Ross was born on Septemember 8, 2012.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Party Clip
Here is also a link to the video montage I made for Madison. The file was too big for the blog.
Madison's Birthday Party
This weekend was such a blast. We left late Friday afternoon and headed to Dallas. We arrived at the Myers' around 8:15 just in time for Cole and Madison to go to sleep. After the babies were in bed, we had a bite to eat and Kristin and I headed to decorate for the big party. As we all know if Kristin is heading up an event it will be high style and first class. Madison's birthday was no exception. We spent from 10:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. getting things set up as well as an hour and a half before the party started. There were lights, grass skirts, party hats, Chinese lanterns and more. The place really looked great. (By the way..Kristin is officially hired to help me with Cole's 1st b-day extravaganza.) On Saturday we got up let the kids eat and play, laid them down for a nap and then headed off to do the last minute set up. The party was great except for the fact that Cole cut his second tooth and his wasn't in the best of moods. After the party, the babes took naps and had their first bath together and then Kristin and I headed out for some much needed mommy time after the big soccer match. On Sunday we had a chance to stop by and see baby Natalie and big sis Emily. So cute....can't wait to hear about baby Waldron. We had hopes to see him this weekend, but he is a bit stubborn and has yet to make is appearance. Here are a few pics from this weekend. I will have to post some videos too.
A Few Firsts
I needed to upload a few videos of some firsts.
Here is Cole's first attempt to drink from a sippy cup. This is back on June 7th. He drinks much better now. We got him some sippy nipples for his Born Free bottles. He seems to like that better.
This one is of Cole's first time in a high chair at a restaurant. This video is from June 8th. He gets tired pretty quickly. We usually can't make it through a long lunch before he needs a nap.
Here is Cole's first attempt to drink from a sippy cup. This is back on June 7th. He drinks much better now. We got him some sippy nipples for his Born Free bottles. He seems to like that better.
This one is of Cole's first time in a high chair at a restaurant. This video is from June 8th. He gets tired pretty quickly. We usually can't make it through a long lunch before he needs a nap.
Restaurant High Chair Video
This one is of Cole's first time in a high chair at a restaurant. He gets tired pretty quickly. We usually can't make it through a long lunch before he needs a nap.
Cutting Teeth and Crawling
So Cole cut his first tooth last Wednesday, June 23rd. He wasn't really that fussy, but he drooled more than normal and napped more than normal too. When he woke up I realized he had cut his first tooth. On Saturday at Madison's party, Cole cut his second tooth. This one was a little more difficult for him. He woke up and cried at 1:30 a.m. and at 4:00 a.m. It took me at least 30 minutes both times rocking and nursing him back to sleep. I thought he might be unhappy was because we were in a strange place. Then he was in the worst mood at the party and Cole doesn't get fussy that often. He had to leave the party early to take a nap. The second tooth made it's appearance at the b-day party. Auntie Marisa saw it as we were checking out his first tooth. Cole has been crawling for a few weeks. It started as an army crawl and then moved to a wormy crawl. He would move his arms, then his legs and then fall forward and repeat. He is now at a full blown crawl and is moving full speed ahead. We need to get this house baby-proofed ASAP. Last week he started to pull himself onto his knees in his bed and look out. Needless to say, we moved the bed down. As of yesterday, he is officially pulling up on the couch and on the stairs if he manages to get that far without me putting him back down on the rug. I think he will be walking before we know it and that is definitely scary. He is growing up way too fast.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Father's Day 2010
We started off the weekend with family pictures at Portrait Innovations. I think everyone in town had the same idea. We had a 10:30 appointment, but they were running 45 minutes behind. Here is a picture of Cole playing with the Lego's waiting our turn. I think he was more patient than all of the other men in my family. (I'll post the pics later.)
Sunday morning began a marathon of events. Cole and I gave Stephen his Father's Day gift before church. Cole really enjoyed chewing on the card he gave his daddy. Stephen took Cole to the first church service. I stayed home and got ready and met them at Sunday School. (I wanted to go to the second service so I could sit with my daddy.) At the beginning of the second service Stephen, Cole, and I participated in the Baby Day Parade. My brother-in-law, John, his wife Stacie, and my new nephew, Jake, were also in the parade. After the parade we did lunch with my dad and then we went to my in-laws for a family party. Cole got into their pool. It was his first time in a big boy pool. He loved it. Here are a few pics and a video of the fun.
Happy Father's Day Daddy

South Main Baptist Baby Day Parade 2010

Family Pic at Pepper's

Pool Pictures

Happy Father's Day Daddy
South Main Baptist Baby Day Parade 2010
Family Pic at Pepper's
Pool Pictures
"I carried a watermelon."
Pool Party on Madison's B-day 6-16-2010
Cole got a new baby pool from Nonnie and Grandfather on Madison's birthday. We got the pool at Wal-mart that morning and it was Cole's first time to ride in the shopping cart like a big boy. Mom and I put him in for a swim after his afternoon nap. Here are some pictures from the big day. He is working on his tan for the big luau party this weekend. Cole will NOT be wearing his Beta Lei Me Now shirt. :)

Cole sending Madison a b-day wish

Cole loves the cart. We borrowed a beach towel from Wal-mart so he would not slump over.

Cole loves the water.

Cole also loves watermelon.

Cole sending Madison a b-day wish

Cole loves the cart. We borrowed a beach towel from Wal-mart so he would not slump over.

Cole loves the water.

Cole also loves watermelon.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Birthday to Mommy
For my birthday we had a few friends join us for dinner at Clifton's By The Sea. We had a great time. The restaurant has an outdoor area where a band was playing. The kids enjoyed playing outside on the deck before dinner. My sister-in-law bought these delicious cupcakes from a friend of hers that is starting up a business. We had mint chocolate chip, banana pudding, happy camper smores, and Oreo cookie cupcakes. They were all super yummy and super cute.

June 6...First Word...according to me
The other day mom and I took Cole to the mall. On the way home he began to say sounded like MaMa. Stephen denies that is what he is saying. Ever since then Cole continues to say MaMa ALL the time (and it is getting more clear and is usually directed at me). Stephen's grandmother says that means that we will have a baby girl next(if and when we have another.) I like that wives tale. :) I couldn't get the voice memo on my iphone to upload so I will have to get another video of it.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
May 19, 2010 6th Month Check up
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Shower and then a Sprinkle
The weekend following the wedding we all headed up to Dallas for Haley's Baby Shower, Marisa and Allan's Going Away Party, and Katie's Sprinkle. With Cole in tow we managed to make pretty good time. Hotel Myer's was kind enough to save us reservations for supreme accommodations. Cole was excited to see his girlfriend Madison. He had such a good time playing with all of her toys (especially the ball pit and jumperoo). It was so nice of Madison to share her things...bath tub, towel, toys, bottle rack, bowls, spoons, etc. It was so nice not to have to pack the entire house for a weekend trip. THANKS KRISTIN!! Here are a few pictures of our jam packed, fun-filled weekend.
Cole LOVES Buccee Nuggets

Cole doesn't know what to think about Madison's ball pit

Molly had to get in on the fun

Cole and Auntie Marisa at Haley's Shower

Cole and Mommy

Cole and Auntie Kim...boys are so much fun...they love their mommies

Auntie Marisa and Uncle Allan's Going Away Party

Auntie Haley and Cole

Cole and Daddy happy girl
Cole LOVES Buccee Nuggets
Cole doesn't know what to think about Madison's ball pit
Molly had to get in on the fun
Cole and Auntie Marisa at Haley's Shower
Cole and Mommy
Cole and Auntie Kim...boys are so much fun...they love their mommies
Auntie Marisa and Uncle Allan's Going Away Party
Auntie Haley and Cole
Cole and Daddy happy girl
Brandy and Chris- May 15, 2010
The weekend following Mother's Day was B's wedding. We dropped Cole off with our parents and headed to San Antonio Friday morning. The bad weather hit right after we passed Buccee's. We were able to pick up Marisa from a hotel on the River Walk and head over to a little Mexican restaurant for lunch. When we got to La Cantera we checked into our pimpin room on the 7th floor. We only roll with the big dogs (aka Marisa and Allan). In the early evening we headed over to the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner at La Fogata. Kristin, Chad, Ali, and Jarrod were stranded in Dallas and finally made it into SA sometime in the middle of dinner. We were just glad they made it at all. The weather was crazy. It was so much fun hanging out together with everyone and we definately miss our two preggos.
The next day we had a Bridal Brunch and of course "the Big Day." The weather was beautiful and everything went so smoothly (except the groomsmen left in the limo without us). The next morning we had a nice breakfast and Kim and Andrew shared some exciting news...and now we know that Cole will have a new buddy. Yeah...more boys. Here are a few pics of the wedding and of Cole who was here at home with our parents.

The Newlyweds

Me and Stephen

The Best Dressed Girl in Buccee's-still had my wedding hair
The next day we had a Bridal Brunch and of course "the Big Day." The weather was beautiful and everything went so smoothly (except the groomsmen left in the limo without us). The next morning we had a nice breakfast and Kim and Andrew shared some exciting news...and now we know that Cole will have a new buddy. Yeah...more boys. Here are a few pics of the wedding and of Cole who was here at home with our parents.
The Newlyweds
Me and Stephen
The Best Dressed Girl in Buccee's-still had my wedding hair
Mother's Day 2010
My first Mother's Day was great. Cole got Mommy a birthstone pendant to go with her "COLE" charm and a photo frame with his picture and handprints. I loved it. We had lunch after church with my mom and then a party at the Bailey's for dinner. Cole got to meet his cousin, Jake, for the first time. Here are a few pics.

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