Friday, November 27, 2009

If it's not one's another

So Tuesday morning I was upstairs about to feed Cole when I heard a loud bang. I thought that something had fallen off the wall, so I went downstairs to check it out. After I checked out all of our pictures and mirrors, I decided to check the garage. Stephen had recently installed large hooks to hang our jogging stroller and other baby gear. When I opened the door to the garage, I was shocked to find that our waterheater had busted. I started to pick up items that I knew we wouldn't want drenched. By the time I got back into the house to call my parents and Stephen for back up, there was water coming in the house. Frantically I called my parents to come over asap. My dad tried to explain to me how to turn off the water, but I only managed to find the switch for the gas. By the time I called Stephen I was in tears. The baby was upstairs crying and the kitchen was flooding. My parents were there within 15 minutes and my in-laws and Stephen followed behind. They cleaned up the mess and spent the entire day setting up a new waterheater. Our new baseboards are only ruined in a few places and we are very grateful that someone was home. It would have been awful to return home to find water in the whole house. This is just one more thing to be thankful for...

1 comment:

Marisa B. said...

OMG. That sounds horrible. Glad your family could come over to help!