So Mommyhood is treating me well. There has only been one night that we didn't sleep. Cole has been a true bundle of joy. It is a little weird not going to work. I'm glad that I was prepared and ready to go because I really don't have time to even think about school. I have had helped everyday. Stephen took off Monday and we went to the peditrician. Cole's weight was 6 lbs. 5 ozs. He had gotten down to 6 lbs. 4 ozs. in the hosptial. Tuesday my mother-in-law came over, Wednesday my father-in-law came by and yesterday my dad came over. My mom has also been here every evening or she comes by during her lunch break to get her "Cole fix." My mother-in-law is coming by afterschool today too. It is nice to be able to shower or pick up or do laundry. I am living in pj pants and nursing tanks. We have friends bringing dinner tonight. I just may put on some jeans. I only have 6 lbs left to lose to be back to my pregnancy weight. I was down 13 lbs leaving the hospital. I am scared to try on my regualar pants just yet. Here is a few pics of Cole from this week.

In his bouncer after his morning feeding

Hanging out with mom

Slicked back hair after his bath

In his baseball outfit
He is such a peanut!!! I love him. I see both of you in fun they change so much everyday!!! He is just perfect
So cute! Cant wait to love on him!
He is precious, Steph. So glad things are going well. I have been thinking of you guys!
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