Monday, March 12, 2012

Cole's Going To Be A Big Brother

So I guess it's time to write a post and let those that haven't heard... I'm expecting.  We are due September 9th.  We were going to start "trying" in January and I got pregnant in December.  It took over two years and a surgery to have Cole, so just finding out we were pregnant was really cool.  We had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and they already think the baby is a boy.  We go in a couple of weeks for the anatomy scan and to confirm the boy parts.  I told Stephen we may have to go for number three, then I saw a mom in Target the next day with three boys...that would be me...I'm sure of it.  I looked at the youngest boy and thought to myself, "You were supposed to be a girl."  Boy or girl...things are looking good and going well and that's what matters most.  Once we get the confirmation, we will nail down the name.  I have a few in mind... Colin, Conner, and Cade top the list at the moment.
Sitting up, hanging out

Sucking thumb, sitting straight up...umbilical cord too


The arrow is pointing to the alleged boy parts.


Marisa B. said...

YEAH! So glad it is out now! Congratulations to all of you! Boy or girl, we will love him/her to pieces!

Ali said...

Yay! Congrats, so exciting!