Cole went to his 18 month check up on Tuesday. He is doing great. The doc says he is on his way to being a beanpole. On the way to the appointment, he learned a new word...doctor...and of course he showed off in the office by using his new word.
Cole at 18 Months
Cole is getting into everything. He runs non-stop. We are constantly chasing him.
He loves to: turn off/on lights and night lights, give hugs, blow kisses, play in the sprinkler, "feed" his stuffed animals, watch Baby Einstein, pretend that he is going to give you a bite of food..eat it..then laugh, blow bubbles, dance to music, pick up and throw grass and mulch, put on your sunglasses, and brush his teeth with an electric toothbrush.
Words he can say: Ma-Ma, Da-Da, No-No, Na-Na, off, on, up, out, beans, banana, uh-oh, oh-no, Hello, Hi, Bye-Bye, Nite-Nite, Cracker, baby, thank you. He also likes to make animal sounds. You can ask him what sound the following animals make and he will respond with the coordinating noise...cow, sheep, duck, horse, cat. It cracks me up.
He has definitely found his attitude. He has only recently started throwing major fits. It usually stems from us taking something from him that he is not supposed to have. We can diffuse the situation by getting his attention on something else. He is usually o.k. with in a minute or so.
Just today I watch him stack blocks. It is not something I had seen him do before. He had a stack of three before it toppled over. We think he may grow up to be an engineer; he is always trying to figure out how things work, where the batteries go, how to turn things off and on, etc.

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