Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I started weening Cole about a month ago. About three weeks ago, I started dropping pumps. As of Tuesday, I am officially off the pump. Though I have enjoyed breastfeeding and pumping to provide Cole with milk, I am so ready to go somewhere without a pump. That was 361 straight days of milking myself. Stephen and I guesstimated that I spent over 37.5 days this year pumping/breastfeeding. On to the next phase...


Kristin Myers said...

YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!

Brandy said...

You just referred to it as Milking yourself... liek the comparison to farm animals, Steph... Classic! Glad you're finished with it. I know you were looking forward to moving on...

Ali said...

Way to go, girl. That is a LONG time, but think of all of the money you saved! Believe me, after two babies on SUPER expensive formula, you are so blessed to have been able to provide milk for Cole. Now enjoy the freedom!