Saturday, November 20, 2010

One Year Check Up

Here are Cole's stats for his one-year check up. He is still tall and skinny. He is not walking yet, but is pulling up, letting go, taking one step to reach toys, and standing from a sitting position. He is saying ma-ma, da-da, na-na, uh-oh, and no. He can sign "more," "all done," and "milk." My goal was to have him switch to sippy cups by one (we had been using our Born Free bottles with a sippy nipple), so on his b-day he made the trade. He has been using a Playtex sippy and as of yesterday is drinking from a straw cup. He also has a new face where he squishes up his nose, but we don't have a picture of it yet. Hopefully, we can catch it soon.

Going on a Deer Hunt

Our little boy has turned ONE. Last weekend we had Cole's birthday party. I took off work Friday and Cole and I ran errands for the big day. We did have a pancake breakfast with daddy before he left for work and Grammie, Paw and Jake came by to say "hi." Kristin, Chad, and Madison flew in during the late afternoon and we headed to a family party at El Ranchero.

At Chickfila for my B-day lunch... I love nuggets.

Yummy Cinnamon Ice Cream

Family Pic at El Ranchero

On Saturday, Kristin and my in-laws helped decorate the pavilion at the park. We got home just in time to get the kids ready for the party. The weather was a little cooler than we had hoped for, but at least the rain stayed away. We had delicious homemade deer chili and roasted marshmallows for dessert.

Setting Up the Cupcakes

Party Favors for Kids and Adults

Nonnie and Cole ready to party

Madison helping out

Cole and Madison greeting the guests

Granddaddy Corder

The Myers

Cousin Jake

The Cake Table

Cole really enjoyed his cake. He ate and ate. He also enjoyed his first turkey sandwich for lunch (which was cut into the shape of a deer, of course). Cole and Madison crashed as soon as the got to the house. They both took long naps before the Myers headed back home for their Sunday photo shoot.

Cole's Smash Cake

Quick family pic before the cake

The Bailey's

The Pomeroy-Bailey's

Mommy and Me

This is so good...why have I never had this before, mom?

I am ready for a nap, please.

See you next year...
We had a great weekend celebrating with everyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Week Paci Free

I decided that we would try to pull the paci before Cole turned one. He only used it for naps and at night, so last Tuesday we put Cole down for the night without it. He has been paci free ever since. The time change has made it a little diffucult. I have been tempted to pull out the paci just to get him to sleep until 6:30 am instead of waking at 5:30 am which is what he has been doing since Sunday morning. This morning he woke at 5:30, cried for a few minutes and then fell back asleep until 6:40, so he is making progress. Thank goodness.


I started weening Cole about a month ago. About three weeks ago, I started dropping pumps. As of Tuesday, I am officially off the pump. Though I have enjoyed breastfeeding and pumping to provide Cole with milk, I am so ready to go somewhere without a pump. That was 361 straight days of milking myself. Stephen and I guesstimated that I spent over 37.5 days this year pumping/breastfeeding. On to the next phase...