Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Last weekend we had a nice time just hanging around the house and visiting some of our favorite local spots. Saturday morning we headed to El Ranchero for pancakes, Cole's favorite. That afternoon we decided to take Cole to get a snow cone and then go over to Grammie and Paw's house to swim. Here is a pic of Cole with his first snow cone. It was rainbow flavor.

Sunday we had a few friends over. There were kiddo's everywhere. Too bad the housekeeper came on Friday. My floors were NASTY and Stephen and I had to sweep and mop as soon as everyone left. Here is a pic of Cole at Target chewing on a bag of candy corn. I had to have something to put in my candy bowls for the party.

Monday we went down to Kemah despite the gloomy weather. We had a nice lunch at Cadillac Bar and Grill and then took Cole on the grand tour of the boardwalk. Cole LOVES guacamole. He is a true Texan.

Here is a pic of Cole and Daddy in jail. I told them next time I wouldn't bother bailing them out. :)

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