Grand nanny Jack is worried about having the time to get me fed and then put me in my day clothes. It seems my mom has him runnin' scared about hauling me around in my pj's. Today is special though and if I have to choose between feeding me my bottle and pounding on my back until I burp or changing my clothes; well... I'll take the bottle.
Besides, I can handle mom. A smile, holding her little finger or a little cooing and she'll be all happy again.
And she might consider the fact that I like my pj's They are comfortable and I am adoreable in them.
Ok, gotta go; we can't keep great grand daddy Corder waiting!

I think we got all our errands run and I guess it just wore me out. I sure met a lot if nice people at the doctor's office today. It made me feel good to see how nice they were to my great grand dad and how much attention they paid to him. They would all come over and say how cute and precious he was. One lady even told my grand nanny Jack that he sure was a good boy and wanted to know how old he was. My silly grand dad told her "three months" and for some reason she seemed to
believe him and told him to just enjoy him 'cause he was a precious gift from God.
When we got home I ate and played a while and then my grand momma(jeannie) came home. We all went into their bedroom to talk but I guess I was just worn out. My grand dad put me on their bed; wow was it comfortable! I have more to say but it will just have to wait...

I guess I was too comfortable in the big bed. I thought grand momma came home to see me but I guess she needs a nap so I am going to lay here and be real quite until she wakes up OR 2:30 sharp (bottle time) whichever comes first!
I know, I know, it's not all about me according to Rick Warren; that is why I am holding off reading his book until at least this summer.
The Colester

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