Today afterschool mom and I were doing tummy time with Cole and he rolled over. We have been working on this trick for weeks. Of course, we didn't have our cameras, so we got them out and managed to get roll #2 on film.
Stephen and I both grew up in Pasadena, TX and now reside in LaPorte. We met in the 3rd grade at Teague Elementary, were boyfriend/girlfriend in 5th grade and we finally began dating (for real) in the fall of 2000. We were engaged in April of 2002 and married on June 28, 2003. On November 12, 2009, God blessed us with a beautiful baby boy, Cole Thomas. We found out we were expecting our second son on New Year's Eve 2011. Cade Ross was born on Septemember 8, 2012.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wally World Initiation
A couple of Saturdays ago we had a family outing to Wally World. We got up early (ha ha..when do we not) and ran by the donut shop for donut holes and cappuccinos then headed off to Walmart for a shopping trip. Cole slept most of the time and then decided to wake up somewhere around the chip aisle. The pic below is of Cole under the Valentine balloons. He loves to grab and hold on (tightly) to anything...including necklaces, hair, collars, etc.

Life's a Beach- February 6, 2010

A few weeks ago we took Cole to our local beach. It's about 2 miles from the house. The just finished up a multi-million dollar project to add a small boardwalk and actual sand. (before it only had a playground, pavilion, and a fishing pier.) The weather was in the 70's but it was a little too sunny and windy for Cole to get out of his stroller, so we rolled right down on the beach. Maybe this summer we will take him swimming. Here a few pics of our big outing.

Letter from Cole (Monday, February 22)
It's Monday morning again; man how time flies when your schedule is as full as mine!
We are heading off to church at 10 this morning but I asked grand dad to put the Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun DVD in for a while this morning. I like it, a lot, but grand daddy is in serious need of a little culture!
I just try to help out where I can...

Ludwig sure has a funny name. If I were him I would sure give some serious consideration to just going by my middle name but I would spell it with a capital "V". Not much you can do with Ludwig... "Ludwiger", "The Ludwigester". There are lots of options with Van. I sure am glad mom and dad named me something all-American like Cole!
Poor Ludwig; how's this going to sound in Pee Wee ball - "Cole at the plate with Ludwig on deck." Let's be honest, who would you pitch to?!
But, he sure knew how to put a song together. I love it when the music really gets going and toe tapping is just not enough. As you can see I have my arms and legs flying. I do not have a name for this move yet but I'm going to come up with something really clever and catchy; you can bet on that!
Back to gettin' down with grand dad and Ludwig…
The Colester
We are heading off to church at 10 this morning but I asked grand dad to put the Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun DVD in for a while this morning. I like it, a lot, but grand daddy is in serious need of a little culture!
I just try to help out where I can...

Ludwig sure has a funny name. If I were him I would sure give some serious consideration to just going by my middle name but I would spell it with a capital "V". Not much you can do with Ludwig... "Ludwiger", "The Ludwigester". There are lots of options with Van. I sure am glad mom and dad named me something all-American like Cole!
Poor Ludwig; how's this going to sound in Pee Wee ball - "Cole at the plate with Ludwig on deck." Let's be honest, who would you pitch to?!
But, he sure knew how to put a song together. I love it when the music really gets going and toe tapping is just not enough. As you can see I have my arms and legs flying. I do not have a name for this move yet but I'm going to come up with something really clever and catchy; you can bet on that!
Back to gettin' down with grand dad and Ludwig…
The Colester

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Letters from Cole (Friday, February 19)
Grand momma had a late meeting this morning and I got to see her before she had to go. That was really nice!
Not sure how it happened but I thought we had all agreed to dress in blue today... grand dad had on a a yellow shirt; I guess he must have forgotten, again.
I hated to leave him out of the photo but what's a guy to do? He's got to learn responsibility sometime.
Not sure how it happened but I thought we had all agreed to dress in blue today... grand dad had on a a yellow shirt; I guess he must have forgotten, again.
I hated to leave him out of the photo but what's a guy to do? He's got to learn responsibility sometime.

Letters from Cole (Wednesday, February 17)

Hey, wake up y'all, it's a new day. I thought maybe it was St. Patty's Day when I found myself dressed in all green but when I looked in the mirror to comb my hair I saw I had a Baylor suit on. (by the way, mom and dad cut my best hairs the other night; not sure about that but that's a different story for later.)
Back to Baylor, what's up with the Bears? I saw where they hired a new President, Ken Starr, and he is not even a Baptist!
I'm not sure what this world is coming too but it seems the folks on the Brazos might have checked into his credentials a little closer...I'm not sure if mom's diploma is going to be worth the paper it's printed on.
So, unless they get their act together up there; can you spell
The Colester
Hey, I'm entertaining my great grand daddy this morning. He's not too sure about the debacle in Waco either. The guy's Church of Christ, I guess the music department is history!
I wonder what Ringo would think...

Am I hearing right or is global warming still a big issue?
I could tell you all the stuff they say on Fox but you know me; there's no evidence like personal experience!
If I run into Big Al (Gore, I think) I'm just gonna have to tell him the absolute truth! Forget all the snow and blizzards this year, forget the record lows across America, forget the issue with altered scientific data. Bank on this! I've been around for over three months now and this is absolutely the coldest winter, not just that I can remember, but it definitely is, without a doubt, the coldest winter of my life.
The Colster

Friday, February 12, 2010
Letter from Cole- Friday, February 12th (My 3 Month Birthday)
It's Friday and we went by Mickey D's and picked up a couple of sausage egg biscuits and went on over to great grand mom's and dad's to check on them. We had a nice breakfast. Those biscuits sure looked good but nobody offered me anything but my bottle; it sure was good mom!
Gotta run, we are going to PHS and I have to get my day clothes on...
I sure do enjoy my pj's though but rules are rules!

It's been a good morning over here but it is almost time to go see mom's at her work. That should be fun. I am looking forward to meeting her kids and some of the other "old" people she works with.
If the right opportunity comes up I just might visit with her More later, we gotta run.

Well we made it right on time, for lunch that is, and I got to meet some of mom's kids. I was a little surprised though; I thought they were Eagles! As a matter of fact, the sign said PHS, home of the FIGHTING Eagles but they all seemed quite nice and well behaved to me. I guess I just bring out the best in everybody!
When we leave here we have a meeting with Mayor Jack Douglass to talk about my grand dad's school board campaign. I am not sure what is up with that. I thought Rush and my grand dad did not like politicians that much... and now I find we are politicians!
I have more to tell you but I am heading up to the office to meet some folks and I can not take my cell. Seems they have some rule about kids and cells. I know, I think that's crazy too but that's what they say.
I'm going to feel naked without it but I'm going to leave it with my stuff. And I'm really going to be ticked if we see an eagle fight and I don't get a picture to show dad.
More later,
Gotta run, we are going to PHS and I have to get my day clothes on...
I sure do enjoy my pj's though but rules are rules!

It's been a good morning over here but it is almost time to go see mom's at her work. That should be fun. I am looking forward to meeting her kids and some of the other "old" people she works with.
If the right opportunity comes up I just might visit with her More later, we gotta run.

Well we made it right on time, for lunch that is, and I got to meet some of mom's kids. I was a little surprised though; I thought they were Eagles! As a matter of fact, the sign said PHS, home of the FIGHTING Eagles but they all seemed quite nice and well behaved to me. I guess I just bring out the best in everybody!
When we leave here we have a meeting with Mayor Jack Douglass to talk about my grand dad's school board campaign. I am not sure what is up with that. I thought Rush and my grand dad did not like politicians that much... and now I find we are politicians!
I have more to tell you but I am heading up to the office to meet some folks and I can not take my cell. Seems they have some rule about kids and cells. I know, I think that's crazy too but that's what they say.
I'm going to feel naked without it but I'm going to leave it with my stuff. And I'm really going to be ticked if we see an eagle fight and I don't get a picture to show dad.
More later,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Letter to Cole from Soon-to-be Cousin Pablo (AKA Cuz)
I can't wait to join in on the fun! You and "Pops" always have an adventure. That's right - I called him "Pops." I just can't bring myself to call him Grand-nanny Jack. Don't worry - We'll talk to him about that when I get here.
For now - I'm test drivin' the name "Pops." I've been trying out a few things and they sound real good. Here's what I've been practicing: "Hey Pops - can you help me tie on this lure?" or "Pops - when can we go to Pt. Manny again?" We'll talk later - but let me know what you think.
I think mom and dad are close to picking out a name. I sure hope so because 'Pablo' is not going to be cool when I get to Pre-K. It might be real cute right now and dad keeps saying it will give me the upper hand in life - but I don't see it that way. I say...let's go with something aggressive...I don't know....something that will sound 'tough' over the PA system at my baseball games....
Speaking of - we need to start getting' our team together. Man - I can't wait. We’ve got Dylan, Ty, Drew, you, me...and hopefully a few others in the mix. We are going to have the best long as we stick with baseball and not soccer. Have you seen them play? I haven't but the rumors are flyin'.
Well that's all I've got for now, Coler. Looks like "Pops" has worn you out. In all of your're nappin'. Just wait til' I get here....we'll be blazin' trails! Have a nice nap, buddy.
Your Cuz - "Pabs"
I can't wait to join in on the fun! You and "Pops" always have an adventure. That's right - I called him "Pops." I just can't bring myself to call him Grand-nanny Jack. Don't worry - We'll talk to him about that when I get here.
For now - I'm test drivin' the name "Pops." I've been trying out a few things and they sound real good. Here's what I've been practicing: "Hey Pops - can you help me tie on this lure?" or "Pops - when can we go to Pt. Manny again?" We'll talk later - but let me know what you think.
I think mom and dad are close to picking out a name. I sure hope so because 'Pablo' is not going to be cool when I get to Pre-K. It might be real cute right now and dad keeps saying it will give me the upper hand in life - but I don't see it that way. I say...let's go with something aggressive...I don't know....something that will sound 'tough' over the PA system at my baseball games....
Speaking of - we need to start getting' our team together. Man - I can't wait. We’ve got Dylan, Ty, Drew, you, me...and hopefully a few others in the mix. We are going to have the best long as we stick with baseball and not soccer. Have you seen them play? I haven't but the rumors are flyin'.
Well that's all I've got for now, Coler. Looks like "Pops" has worn you out. In all of your're nappin'. Just wait til' I get here....we'll be blazin' trails! Have a nice nap, buddy.
Your Cuz - "Pabs"
Grand Nanny Jack's Blog...Letters from Cole (Wednesday, February 10)
Well folks, it's Wednesday and I have a pretty busy schedule lined up for grand nanny Jack. I sure hope he's up to it. The first order of business is breakfast(of course) and then we are off to Dr. Randall's office to meet great grand daddy Corder for a 10:00 doctor appointment.
Grand nanny Jack is worried about having the time to get me fed and then put me in my day clothes. It seems my mom has him runnin' scared about hauling me around in my pj's. Today is special though and if I have to choose between feeding me my bottle and pounding on my back until I burp or changing my clothes; well... I'll take the bottle.
Besides, I can handle mom. A smile, holding her little finger or a little cooing and she'll be all happy again.
And she might consider the fact that I like my pj's They are comfortable and I am adoreable in them.
Ok, gotta go; we can't keep great grand daddy Corder waiting!

I think we got all our errands run and I guess it just wore me out. I sure met a lot if nice people at the doctor's office today. It made me feel good to see how nice they were to my great grand dad and how much attention they paid to him. They would all come over and say how cute and precious he was. One lady even told my grand nanny Jack that he sure was a good boy and wanted to know how old he was. My silly grand dad told her "three months" and for some reason she seemed to
believe him and told him to just enjoy him 'cause he was a precious gift from God.
When we got home I ate and played a while and then my grand momma(jeannie) came home. We all went into their bedroom to talk but I guess I was just worn out. My grand dad put me on their bed; wow was it comfortable! I have more to say but it will just have to wait...

I guess I was too comfortable in the big bed. I thought grand momma came home to see me but I guess she needs a nap so I am going to lay here and be real quite until she wakes up OR 2:30 sharp (bottle time) whichever comes first!
I know, I know, it's not all about me according to Rick Warren; that is why I am holding off reading his book until at least this summer.
The Colester
Grand nanny Jack is worried about having the time to get me fed and then put me in my day clothes. It seems my mom has him runnin' scared about hauling me around in my pj's. Today is special though and if I have to choose between feeding me my bottle and pounding on my back until I burp or changing my clothes; well... I'll take the bottle.
Besides, I can handle mom. A smile, holding her little finger or a little cooing and she'll be all happy again.
And she might consider the fact that I like my pj's They are comfortable and I am adoreable in them.
Ok, gotta go; we can't keep great grand daddy Corder waiting!

I think we got all our errands run and I guess it just wore me out. I sure met a lot if nice people at the doctor's office today. It made me feel good to see how nice they were to my great grand dad and how much attention they paid to him. They would all come over and say how cute and precious he was. One lady even told my grand nanny Jack that he sure was a good boy and wanted to know how old he was. My silly grand dad told her "three months" and for some reason she seemed to
believe him and told him to just enjoy him 'cause he was a precious gift from God.
When we got home I ate and played a while and then my grand momma(jeannie) came home. We all went into their bedroom to talk but I guess I was just worn out. My grand dad put me on their bed; wow was it comfortable! I have more to say but it will just have to wait...

I guess I was too comfortable in the big bed. I thought grand momma came home to see me but I guess she needs a nap so I am going to lay here and be real quite until she wakes up OR 2:30 sharp (bottle time) whichever comes first!
I know, I know, it's not all about me according to Rick Warren; that is why I am holding off reading his book until at least this summer.
The Colester

Monday, February 8, 2010
Grand Nanny Jack's Blog...Letters from Cole (Monday, February 8)
Well, for a Monday, it's been a good day. I had to help grand daddy get some sphagetti going first thing this morning. We left it in the crock pot and it smells pretty good around here.
Then we went to church for music. I think a couple of the girls were pretty excited to see me since I missed last Monday. Seems they were looking forward to me being there and were kind of dissapointed crushed) when I did not show up last week.
Another pretty exciting thing happened; Bobie came to check in on us and at least for a while I was not the guy with the least amount of hair in the room. I hope mom and dad will not make me cut my hair like Bobie's.
Again, I am not sure who had the most fun, me or grand daddy Jack. Shhhhh, Just between us... I think grand daddy thinks he can really sing. I think everyone there was very polite as they humored him and did not LOL. Seriously, where do you think I can get my hands on a pair of those ear muffs like Drew Brees had on his kid last night? Price is not an issue, but delivery by next Monday is an imperative!
I could have just died when he introduced himself as grand nanny Jack... in his own words, "brutality". Someone needs to talk to him about that!
Then we went to see Mrs. Ward. We had a nice visit with her. I know she was happy to see me and I even took the blanket she made to show her how much I appreciated it. I picked up a cute blanket she had made for Pablo and I'll get it to uncle John and aunt Stacie when they make up their mind what his real name is. If they stick with Pablo I guess I'll have to be Pancho so we can get a summer job at CIMA
We had a nice lunch, got a diaper changed and now I am doing a little swinging.
Gotta go, grand daddy just put the swing on high and it's getting hard to hit the right keys.

Grand daddy needs a nap. I think I'll sit real still... he'll think I am sleeping and maybe he can catch 40.

No more Fox News today! I'm all ready for a relaxing afternoon of cartoons and maybe some ESPN. I hope grand daddy keeps the DP and chips coming...
Then we went to church for music. I think a couple of the girls were pretty excited to see me since I missed last Monday. Seems they were looking forward to me being there and were kind of dissapointed crushed) when I did not show up last week.
Another pretty exciting thing happened; Bobie came to check in on us and at least for a while I was not the guy with the least amount of hair in the room. I hope mom and dad will not make me cut my hair like Bobie's.
Again, I am not sure who had the most fun, me or grand daddy Jack. Shhhhh, Just between us... I think grand daddy thinks he can really sing. I think everyone there was very polite as they humored him and did not LOL. Seriously, where do you think I can get my hands on a pair of those ear muffs like Drew Brees had on his kid last night? Price is not an issue, but delivery by next Monday is an imperative!
I could have just died when he introduced himself as grand nanny Jack... in his own words, "brutality". Someone needs to talk to him about that!
Then we went to see Mrs. Ward. We had a nice visit with her. I know she was happy to see me and I even took the blanket she made to show her how much I appreciated it. I picked up a cute blanket she had made for Pablo and I'll get it to uncle John and aunt Stacie when they make up their mind what his real name is. If they stick with Pablo I guess I'll have to be Pancho so we can get a summer job at CIMA
We had a nice lunch, got a diaper changed and now I am doing a little swinging.
Gotta go, grand daddy just put the swing on high and it's getting hard to hit the right keys.

Grand daddy needs a nap. I think I'll sit real still... he'll think I am sleeping and maybe he can catch 40.

No more Fox News today! I'm all ready for a relaxing afternoon of cartoons and maybe some ESPN. I hope grand daddy keeps the DP and chips coming...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
One of the worst days of my life...
I went back to work yesterday. I cried most of the evening on Sunday night and all morning while getting ready and as I drove to school. Luckily Stephen takes the baby to "school" (AKA the grandnanny's house). If I had to drop him off he may have spent the day in my office at PHS. Once I got to school I settled in quickly. My Senior students were great. They brought me a dozen red roses and a big "Welcome Back" card. The day went pretty fast. I only managed to pump once (after advice from Auntie Bres I made time to pump three times today). I had a meeting after school, so I didn't get to leave until 3:30. I was so ready to get out of there. The baby was at my dad's house and Grandfather was exhausted. Cole was great, but my dad was really tired. He was in the bed napping before I even left their house. I don't think he realized how much work a little one can be.
Today Cole stayed with Stephen's dad. He sent me a picture about mid-day. Paw was in major violation of Rule 12, page 2, paragraph 3 of the "Instruction Manual for Cole" child was in jammies in public. My dad sent Paw an email immediately and told him that "Cole better not be in pajamas or he would be in deep doo doo." Needless to say, Cole made it in his day outfit pretty quickly. I can't wait to see what adventure will happen tomorrow.
Today Cole stayed with Stephen's dad. He sent me a picture about mid-day. Paw was in major violation of Rule 12, page 2, paragraph 3 of the "Instruction Manual for Cole" child was in jammies in public. My dad sent Paw an email immediately and told him that "Cole better not be in pajamas or he would be in deep doo doo." Needless to say, Cole made it in his day outfit pretty quickly. I can't wait to see what adventure will happen tomorrow.
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