Friday, July 17, 2009

It took you how long to register?

Am I the only one who spent 5 hours in Babies R Us and still had changes to make and items to add to my registry? My mom, mother-in-law, and I got started at 11:15 a.m., took a 30 minute lunch break at 2:00 p.m., and finished at 5:00 p.m. When we went to lunch we had only made it through the Infant Care section of store. I can only imagine how long it would have taken if I hadn't done any research. My feet were killing me and my back was in need of a massage. Here are the pictures from the big day.

Comparing our bellies

Checking out the goods

What is this stuff?

Have you seen this before?

Love that gun...


Kristin Myers said...

Steph it took chad and I about 5 hours to register and you will still be making changes trust me!! It is amazing after everything and the 50 trips before you have the baby....YOU STILL HAVE TO GO BACK!!!! I have been there more after baby then before!!

Ali said...

I think I went about three different times to register with Sydney. We decided they need a cafe or some sort of snack bar in there! Hope you had fun with it though, it's exciting! Hope you are feeling well and baby Cole is doing great!

Katie said...

I went once and nearly had to curl up in the fetal position because it was SO big! We ended up leaving and getting lunch. :) I finished online and changed about 100 times. How fun, though! Can't wait to see you and sweet Cole soon!