So I began to tinker with the idea of blogging back in March. Now that I finally have some time off this summer, I decided to give it a whirl. Yesterday we had the ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby. We had been told at 13 weeks that the baby looked like it was going to be a boy. I was waiting to bust out the blue until after we had a final confirmation. Yesterday we got our confirmation. Our little boy is definitely not shy or modest. We had a full view of what I called the "twig and berries" and what Kristin referred to this morning as the "palm tree and coconuts." She said that sounded much more manly. Either way we know it's a boy. We like the name Cole and have been calling the baby that for several weeks now. Before we knew the official sex we would spend a week calling the baby one name and then switch to a new name the next week alternating between girl and boy names. Don't go embroider anything just yet.
Welcome to the blogging world, it's fun! Hooray for your sweet little guy on the way. We are so excited for you guys and will say plenty of prayers for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby!Keep us posted!
Good start on the blog-so glad we can keep up! I thought about starting a blog forever (i.e. the entire first year of Em's life) and am so glad I did. Oh, and your little man is a cutie already! :)
I guess I should take back all of the baby items that say "Bert." Just kidding! We are SO happy for you both! I can't wait to be the one and only aunt for Baby Cole! I will make sure that he knows what "spoiled rotten" means! See you tomorrow for lunch.....Stacie
Palm Tree and Coconuts!!!! I love it...welcome to the blogging world. It is going to be so fun to check up on Baby Bailey's progress and mama's too! Happy Healthy and Loved...that is all we ask for!
YAY!!! I'm glad you have a blog now... ya never know when I will join the blogging world. I love the little guy already and am glad that I can "watch him move" anytime I want! take care!
Go Steph! I am so excited that you are having the first boy of the bunch! I think he is a player already!
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