So I began to tinker with the idea of blogging back in March. Now that I finally have some time off this summer, I decided to give it a whirl. Yesterday we had the ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby. We had been told at 13 weeks that the baby looked like it was going to be a boy. I was waiting to bust out the blue until after we had a final confirmation. Yesterday we got our confirmation. Our little boy is definitely not shy or modest. We had a full view of what I called the "twig and berries" and what Kristin referred to this morning as the "palm tree and coconuts." She said that sounded much more manly. Either way we know it's a boy. We like the name Cole and have been calling the baby that for several weeks now. Before we knew the official sex we would spend a week calling the baby one name and then switch to a new name the next week alternating between girl and boy names. Don't go embroider anything just yet.