Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vote For My Granddaddy

Man, I was sure looking forward to being my grandad's campaign manager. We have been talking and planning on how I was going to keep him on the road and on message.

You can see I have some snappy "campaign clothes" and now we find out no one filed to run against him. Grandad is sure glad but I was itching for a good scrap and sweet victory!

Maybe next time...

The Colester

Better Wash My Feet

Old Jake, yeah that's right Jake, is coming along just at the right time. You might know Jake as Pablo, my new cousin. I am not sure why they changed his name but I bet they found out he can't speak Spanish or something like that. I just hope he knows to answer when he hears "Jake" and not to say "aqui" when a teacher at school calls roll.

Anyway I digress. For all these new outdoor activities I thought I would limber up and stretch out a bit. If you try this; remember, you better wash your feet!

The Colester

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it way...

So Cole went to see the Easter Bunny at the Credit Union on Thursday. He was none to excited because we had to take him during nap time so we could beat the crowd. Here is a pic with EB.

On Saturday we went to the church for the Spring Event. Cole had a great time. No egg hunt for the little babies, just plastic eggs laid out on blankets. He did go into the petting zoo and sit on a donkey (with a little help from Daddy, of course). He wasn't too impressed with any of the animals.

On Sunday after church Cole went to brunch at Aunt Annette's and lunch and Nonnie and Grandfather's. We had a egg hunt with my family. Cole got a head start. He found a few eggs and wondered why were making him hold them and then throw them in a basket. He also found a Golden Egg. It had three dollars. We are definitely putting that into his savings account.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's

That's right! My favorite chew toy, Sophie the giraffe has to go; it's over, finished, no mas...


Maybe someday but surely not before I get most of my teeth!